Friday, April 29, 2011

To DOs After a Fresh Natty (Ubuntu 11.04) install or a Natty Upgrade

sThe long wait is over! The latest version of Ubuntu operating system 11.04 a.k.a Natty Narwhal is finally released!
"The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce Ubuntu 11.04, code-named “Natty Narwhal”. 11.04 continues Ubuntu’s proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality,easy-to-use Linux distribution. This tutorial will explain How to upgrade from ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) to ubuntu 11.04 (Natty)"

As I have mentioned in my earlier post, the new version of Ubuntu is using a new interface called the Unity. Great work and presents a lot of promise for a better user experience.
Here are some of the "must do" things after your upgrade or fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04.
  • Install Ubuntu Tweak to help you install common applications you will need.
    • On the terminal, issue the following commands. (or you copy paste).
      • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
      • sudo apt-get update
      • sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
  • Add the Medibuntu Repository so you will be able to install codecs and other applications with patent issues.
    • On the terminal issue the following commands.
      • sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list$(lsb_release -cs).list
      • sudo apt-get update
      • sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring
        • Note: If the Medibuntu keyring will not install, try:
          • sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring
      • sudo apt-get update
    • This will make the applications from the Medibuntu Repository to appear in the Ubuntu Software Center.
      • sudo apt-get install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu
  • Enable the partner repositories in the source.list file.
    • sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
    • Uncomment the following lines:
      • deb natty partner
      • deb-src natty partner
  • Install media application and codecs
    • Install VLC
      • sudo apt-get install vlc
    • Install codec needed to play your multimedia files
      • sudo apt-get install non-free-codecs libxine1-ffmpeg gxine mencoder libquicktime1 flac faac faad sox ffmpeg2theora libmpeg2-4 uudeview flac libmpeg3-1 mpeg3-utils mpegdemux liba52-dev mpeg2dec vorbis-tools id3v2 mpg321 mpg123 libflac++6 ffmpeg libmp4v2-0 totem-mozilla icedax tagtool easytag id3tool lame nautilus-script-audio-convert libmad0 libjpeg-progs
  • Install encrypted DVD support application.
      • sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2
      • sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/./
  • Install flashplugin so you will be able to watch videos and websites using flash
    • for 32 bit architecture
      • sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer
    • for 64 bit architecture (note: use at your own risk, this is a development release.
      • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash
      • sudo apt-get update
      • sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer
  • Install Openshot Video Editor. So far the best video editor I have used in Linux
    • You can use Ubuntu Tweak to install this or
      • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonoomph/openshot-edge
      • sudo apt-get update
      • sudo apt-get install openshot openshot-doc
  • Install Instant Messengers. Although empathy is good enough, you may want to use pidgin and skype
    • sudo apt-get install pidgin
    • sudo apt-get install skype (make sure the partner repositories are enabled)
  • Install the latest JRE (Java runtime environment). This is needed by some applications.
    • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/java
    • sudo apt-get update
    • sudo apt-get install sun-java6 sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts
  • Install archive management applications:
    • sudo apt-get install unace unrar zip unzip p7zip-full p7zip-rar sharutils rar uudeview mpack lha arj cabextract file-roller
  • Install Gimp and/or Pinta. These image editors allow you to create, edit images like the pro does.
    • Gimp. You can install this using Ubuntu-tweak or by the following commands.
      • sudo -add-apt-repository ppa:matthaeus123/mrw-gimp-svn
      • sudo apt-get update
      • sudo apt-get install gimp gimp-data gimp-plugin-registry gimp-data-extras
    • Pinta
      • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
      • sudo apt-get update
      • sudo apt-get install pinta
  • Install CompizConfig Settings Manager so you will be able to tweak Unity at your own taste
    • sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
  • Make LibreOffice use the Global Menu bar
    • sudo apt-get install lo-menubar
  • If you want to have a weather indicator in your panel, Unity does not have it by default. To display weather indicator:
    • sudo apt-get install indicator-weather
    • after the installation, you can run it from dash by pressing the Super key and type weather. Double-lick the icon to run the appllication.
  • Unity2D - If your computer is quite old and the graphics will not be able to support the Unity, don't despair yet. You can still use the Unity by installing the Unity2D.
    • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:unity-2d-team/unity-2d-daily
    • sudo apt-get update
    • sudo apt-get install unity-2d
If you cannot adjust using the Unity interface, you can always use the Gnome2 Interface. But I tell, don't dismiss the Unity without giving it a try. It's really nice. Or you can try installing the new Gnome3 Shell. But note that once you install the Gnome3 Shell, your Unity will not be working anymore. As of the moment, the two desktop environment can't just co-exist.

You can download the installer here for the 32bit architecture and here for the 64bit architecture.

Red Hat Fix for Critical Vulnerabilities

Image representing Red Hat as depicted in Crun...
Red Hat announced earlier a fix for security vulnerabilities on the following applications, rated as severe:
Affected Red Hat products for Firefox vulnerabilities are:
  • RHEL Desktop Workstation (v. 5 client), Red Hat Desktop (v. 4), Red Hat Enterprise Linux (v. 5 server), Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v. 4), Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v. 4.8.z), Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 5 client), Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 6), Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v. 4), Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v. 4.8.z), Red Hat Enterprise Linux EUS (v.  5.6.z server), Red Hat Enterprise Linux HPC Node (v. 6), Red Hat Enterprise Linux Long Life (v. 5.6 server), Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (v. 6) Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS (v. 4), Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation (v. 6)
Full details of can be found in the following links:
As mentioned, these vulnerabilities are rated severe and patches should be applied immediately.

Stay protected!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The new Yahoo! Mail Interface - its about time!

After a long time that I have not been checking my Yahoo! Mail, earlier today, something pushed me today to check it. So I did!

There's no argument, Yahoo! Mail is one of the most popular if not really the most popular free web mail service in the Internet World. Sometime ago I stopped using my Yahoo! Mail since I got tired of its interface and some of its functionalities have not really improved overtime.
But today, here's what I got in my inbox when I opened my mail. An invitation to upgrade my email account to the newest version of Yahoo! Mail. I am under the impression that not all Yahoo! Mail users have been sent the invitation already. (Maybe no, maybe yes).

When I finally clicked the upgrade button, I was happy with what I saw. Its new interface is just right and fantastic for me.

The interface is cleaner than before and the theme colors from the selection are just right for the eyes.

Here's the link if you want to see what's inside the new Yahoo! Mail now and how it works.

Here are some of the screen shots.
The landing page after login.
The Inbox. (Crop out my mail info)
The Contact management screen.
The theme selection screen.
The mail option/settting screen.
The Update screen, for you FB and Twitter account/s
Overall, the new Yahoo! Mail is better than before. So go ahead and check your mail now.

And hopefully, this will bring life to Yahoo! again. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Cloud Crisis and the Cloud Crisis!

Few days back, former US Vice President Al Gore and the advocates of the climate change have renewed their call to doctors and military leaders to help save our earth from destruction.
"Doctors must take a leading role in highligthing the dangers of climate change, which will lead to conflict, desease and ill-health, and threatens global security, according to a stark warning from an unusual alliance of physiscians and military leaders." (Source here:
While they are trying to resolve the current "cloud crisis" in order to save the human race, some people are trying to promote another crisis in the cloud. This time the Internet (Cloud). Users in some parts of the world are facing serious threats to their Internet freedom. (Source here: - PDF)

Here's some highlights in the past (or a little over) two months: 
  • Egypt, Internet in the entire country was shut down during the civil unrest against their former President Mubarak
  • Egypt, 10 April 2011, Mikael Sanad Nabil was sentenced to three years in prison for "insulting the military" in his blog postings
  • Bahrain, Zakariya Rashid Hassan who ran an oline forum for residents of his village died in military custody after being arrested and charged for "spreading false news". He was inlcuded amongst the 450 people arrested apparently for being a "political activist". (Elsewhere in the Internet, some news is saying that Zakariya was beaten to death.) Source here:
  • UAE, three bloggers were arrested - Ahmed Mansoor, Fahad Salem and Nasser bin Ghaith. (Source here:
  • China, arrested and detained Ai Weiwei, an artist and an activist. (Source here:
  • Libya, Internet was shutdown due to a wide spread protest against the 41 year-old rule of Gadhafi. (Source here:
  • Iran, China, Tunisia - Internet restrictions are very high, killing the purpose of the Internet already
  • Uganda, the government asked the ISPs to shutdown access to Facebook and Twitter. (Source here:
And just yesterday at Facebook Town Hall event, US President Obama said this:
"I want people to feel the same about the next Internet breakthrough as they did about the moonwalk."
Honestly, I love the statement, but sadly my question is: 
"How can the users of the Internet would feel that same excitement if they are being oppressed?"

Let us not forget that Internet is for everyone. 

It may be used in both good and bad intentions but that should not stop everyone from using the Internet technology. 

We should keep the Internet innovating for the benefit of the people using it. And we should protect and keep the type of freedom we experience in using the Internet.

"Internet for EVERYONE." (

What's your take?

    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    Change.Org is under attack! Why should we be denied access?

    Ai Weiwei during documenta 12 (2007)Image via Wikipedia is a s platform that allows anyone from anywhere to launch an online petition or social campaign. The site has been blocked in China for some years already.

    The website is s experiencing a heavy denial of service attack from apparently hackers from China since Monday this week.

    Although the reason of the hackers are not clear yet, it seems that this petition is the aim of the service disruption. A petition calling for the release of Ai Weiwei.
    On April 3, internationally acclaimed Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was detained at the Beijing airport while en route to Hong Kong, and his papers and computers were seized from his studio compound. Now the Guggenheim Foundation is leading the call for his release
    Ai has been in custody in Beijing since early this month. The petition for the release of Ai have already registered about 90,000 users from 175 countries.

    Ai Weiwei is both an artist and an activist. One of his most recent artwork is the artistic design of the Beijing National Olympics Stadium, where he collaborated with Sweden architects and one of his activist work that probably caught the ire of the Chinese government was his expose of the corruption scandal in the rebuilding of the Sichuan schools which were destroyed by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.

    Ai is an Internet user and uses this to communicate with people from China.

    I just would like to remind people that "Internet is for EVERYONE" ( Internet is a place for us to express our freedom.

    Do we really need to be denied access to a certain site just for the political interest of somebody else?

    Stay protected people when you connect to the wired world!

    Enhanced by Zemanta

    Sunday, April 10, 2011

    Trying the Ubuntu 11.04 (a.k.a Natty Narwhal) Beta 1

    The Beta version 1 of Ubuntu 11.04 a.k.a. Natty Narwhal was released early this month. This is the first of the 2 beta series before the final release of Natty is made on April 28, 2011.

    The release of Beta 2 will be on April 14, 2011.

    There's a lot of new things to expect in Natty. Here are some of the few new things worth noting:

    • Ubuntu 11.04 is not sporting a new desktop shell called unity. (The twitter icon is not included in the default installation, btw. I just added gwibber)
    • Ubuntu 11.04 have reinvent the scroll bar
    • Ubuntu 11.04 now features the global menu bar (MacOS type)
    • Ubuntu 11.04 Ubuntu Software Center has now rating and reviews.
    • Ubuntu 11.04 now includes a new safe upgrade option (from 10.10 to 11.04) during the installation 
    • Ubuntu 11.04 now supports multiarch library support. 
      • This means that it will allow users to install 32 bit applications even if the are using a 64-bit version of Ubuntu 11.04. More details can be found here.
    • Ubuntu 11.04 now comes with Kernel 2.6.38.x.
      • Shotwell 0.9 
      • Firefox 4.0 RC2
      •  Libreoffice 3.3.2 
      • Xserver 1.10 
      • Banshee 1.9.5 (now the default player)
      • Nautilus 2.32.2 (file manager)
      • Evolution 2.32.2 and  
      • Gnome 2.32.1
    • Ubuntu 11.04 Unity launcher is now dock on the left side. 
      • The launcher auto-hides to give more screen space to the application.
      • To get the launcher back, just click on the upper left hand of the screen.

    • Ubuntu 11.04 now sports lenses. 
      • This is where you get the application you need that is not present on the launcher.

    The Ubuntu 11.04 really comes with a long list of new features, but the one that really stand out is the unity. Unity has so much to give, but there are still tons of tweaking and bug fixing that is needed.

    I've come across an article saying that Ubuntu 11.04 is by far the worst edition that Canonical have released. I don't subscribe to the idea. It is a matter of being unique.

    If you want to give this Ubuntu 11.04 spin, you can download it here. And since this is still in beta, don't expect full stability in the system (although I have it installed already in my production machine and using it!)

    Some notes before trying this out.
    • If your video graphic device is ATI, it may not be worth your time to try this at the moment since the unity support for ATI graphics is not stable yet.
    • If you are using Intel graphics, make sure that you blacklist the radeon module from loading, otherwise you will experience intermittent problem during boot-up and while using your machine.
    So there you go!

      Linux turns 20! - And still getting better each year!

      You may have been using Linux for quite sometime already, but do not have a good idea on how it started.

      Or you may have been hearing alot about Linux and wonder what really is this operating system.

      Twenty years ago this summer (1991), the guy named Linus Torvalds braved to share his operating system to the computing world. He then opted to licensed it under the General Public License (GPL) on 1992.

      Since then, the computing world has never been the same. The following are the major milestone in the 20 years success of Linux.
      • On 1993, Slackware became the most widely used distribution
      • On 1996, Penguin becomes the official mascot of Linux
      • On 1998, the giants like IBM begin announcing their platform support for Linux
      • On 1999, Red Hat goes public. The first commercial Linux distribution
      • On 2003, IBM runs the most famous Linux ads during the super bowl
      • On 2005, Linux was hailed as a business success
      • On 2007, Linux Foundation was formed to promote, protect and standardize Linux
      • On 2010, Android, a Linux base Mobile OS ships out
      • And 2011, Linux turns 20 and powers the worlds super computers, stock exchange, mobile phones, ATMs, healthcare and more.
      A good graphical view of this milestone can be found here.

      Here's a good commemorative infographic and video entitled The story of Linux.


      I salute all the people behind this incredible and powerful operating system. Well done!

      So go ahead and try Linux now if you haven't experienced the beauty, power and speed of this operating system.

      If your organization needs some assistance in implementing Linux, iSeNS Asia can help you. Send them an email at info(at)isens(dot)asia.

      Opera launches Opera Mail - GREAT!

      Opera, one of the most popular cross-platform browser has just launched its Opera Mail.

      I'm a happy user of the Opera browser for several years now. And their browser just keep on improving. Its fast and does the job you need of a browser.

      So are they competing with Google Mail?

      My answer is no. Opera is just expanding its service offerings to its users. And this is a good alternative for those who have been looking for a good email service for a change. Once you create your account, you will have an automatic extension.

      I just tried making an account to see how its interface looks like. It's pretty neat! I'm happy with its interface and pleasing to the eyes.

      The new Opera Mail service is still in beta and I'm sure that the Opera Mail Team will have more coming for its users.

      Go ahead and give it a spin! And you will be surely delighted.

      If you wish to download Opera browser, you can find it in the following links:

      If you're using Ubuntu, you can install Opera browser from its PPA so you get the updates automatically. Fire up your terminal and issue the following commands:
      • Prepare the sources list: 
        • sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable non-free >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera.list'
      • Get the key:
        • sudo sh -c 'wget -0 - | apt-key add -'
      • Update the Package list:
        • sudo apt-get update
      • Install the Opera browser:
        • sudo apt-get install opera

        They also have the Opera Mini for your mobile phones and tablets.

        Friday, April 1, 2011

        10 Tips to Help You and Your Family During Earthquake

        Okay. This is not a techie post at all, but I feel the importance to post something like this in order to spread awareness to the readers on what to do in case of an earthquake. Remember, as always, awareness is the key.

        We have been experiencing more tremors lately than in past, specially after the  Japan incident. The most recent major earthquake in Japan is the strongest quake recorded in their history.

        The following tips will definitely help you and your family in case of an earthquake. So please spread the word. Share the link to your family and friends.

        1. Have an emergency kit.
        • Flashlights
        • Portable radio
        • Batteries
        • Water supply that will last at least for 2 weeks
        • First-aid kit
        2.  Prepare your home.
        • Inspect heavy objects that may fall on you during earthquake like cabinets, book shelves, etc. 
        • Check if your house sits on a fault line.
        • Know the strongest portion of your house
        3.  Know your surroundings.
        • Set a meeting place for your family in case you get disperse during the quake
        • Know the closest emergency stations in your place
        • Know the quickest path to get out of your place to move to a safer place
        4. Subscribe to alert services.
        • Check if your local government provides emergency alert services and subscribe to it
        • Subscribe to SMS emergency alert services if your provider is offering one
        • Subscribe to email emergency alert services within your community
        5. Plan for your pet.
        • Your pet can detect in-coming disaster better than you are
        • Bring extra water for your pet too
        • And your pet doesn't leave you no matter what
        6. If you are inside a house or building during an earthquake.
        • Drop and take cover underneath a strong piece of furniture
        • Expert says do not run to the doorway unless you live in an old house
        • Stay away from areas where heavy object will fall
        7. If you are outside during an earthquake.
        • Stay in the open
        • Stay away from the buildings as much as possible
        • Stay away from power lines
        8. If your driving during an earthquake.
        • Stop safely and turn your hazard lights on
        • Stay away from buildings, trees or from any heavy objects that may fall on your vehicle
        • Stay away from flyovers, bridges, overpasses, underpasses
        9. After earthquake, beware of gas leaks.
        • Do not use matches, lighters or any ignition sources if you are not sure if a possible gas leak is present
        • Double check gas pipes and gas tanks to make sure that there is no gas leak
        10. After the earthquake, expect aftershocks.
        • Make sure you are still on alert after a major earthquake
        • Aftershocks will definitely follow and sometimes more destructive
        You can get more details of these tips here.

        You can also refer to the list below for more information in what "TO DO" in case of earthquake.
        Stay Safe Always!