Monday, April 25, 2011

The new Yahoo! Mail Interface - its about time!

After a long time that I have not been checking my Yahoo! Mail, earlier today, something pushed me today to check it. So I did!

There's no argument, Yahoo! Mail is one of the most popular if not really the most popular free web mail service in the Internet World. Sometime ago I stopped using my Yahoo! Mail since I got tired of its interface and some of its functionalities have not really improved overtime.
But today, here's what I got in my inbox when I opened my mail. An invitation to upgrade my email account to the newest version of Yahoo! Mail. I am under the impression that not all Yahoo! Mail users have been sent the invitation already. (Maybe no, maybe yes).

When I finally clicked the upgrade button, I was happy with what I saw. Its new interface is just right and fantastic for me.

The interface is cleaner than before and the theme colors from the selection are just right for the eyes.

Here's the link if you want to see what's inside the new Yahoo! Mail now and how it works.

Here are some of the screen shots.
The landing page after login.
The Inbox. (Crop out my mail info)
The Contact management screen.
The theme selection screen.
The mail option/settting screen.
The Update screen, for you FB and Twitter account/s
Overall, the new Yahoo! Mail is better than before. So go ahead and check your mail now.

And hopefully, this will bring life to Yahoo! again. :)

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